Description: The Historical Crop data tracks the status of a permitted (active or inactive) agricultural sites in Kern County, for the calendar year. The assigned unique permit number is assigned to each permitte and each permitte may have multiple sites. The information for each site includes the permittee, mailing address and other contact information, agent assigned, dates of activity, commodity, and acreage. This information is managed and maintained in the State permitting and reporting system called the 'CalAg Database'. Historical Crops are reviewed and evaluated yearly by the Kern County Agriculture Department lead biologist and only final approved permits are included in the final dataset. The final permits are exported for further processing by the ITS GIS Team by spatially joining this data with the crop site boundaries layer for visualization purposes.This layer is used in GIS applications for the Public with the approval of the Kern County Agriculture Department.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards, in partnership with the Kern County Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture's CalAg Database
Description: The Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards created this dataset to more precisely locate production agricultural field boundaries within the county.
Description: The Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards created this dataset to more precisely locate production agricultural field boundaries within the county.