Description: The annual Pesticide Use Reports (PURs) summarize all approved material applications for active agricultural sites in Kern County where restricted and non-restricted chemicals are applied for a particular commodity. These permit applications are received, reviewed and approved by the Kern County Agriculture Department (Ag Dept). The applications are approved only in cases where they meet the requirements as regulated by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). Each PUR, in general, provides the material name, the operator, permit/site number, the chemical name, the date and time of the application, and the quantity applied. This information is managed and maintained in the State permitting and reporting system called the 'CalAg Database'. PURs are reviewed and evaluated by the Ag Dept lead biologist for the year. The ITS GIS Team process the PURs information from the CalAg database and spatially joining the information with the same year's Historical Crop boundaries for visualization purposes.This layer is used in GIS applications for the Public with the approval of the Kern County Agriculture Department.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards, in partnership with the Kern County Department of Information Technology Services (ITS) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture's CalAg Database