Mobile Service



This operation is intended to be used by Mobile SDK only.

The mobile service resource represents a mobile service published with ArcGIS Server. The resource provides information about the service such as the service description, spatial reference, initial and full extents, and the various layers contained in the published map document.

Resource Hierarchy

Mobile Service

Request Parameters




Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

JSON Response Syntax

 "serviceDescription": "<serviceDescription>",
 "mapName": "<mapName>",
 "description": "<description>",
 "layers": [
  { "id": <layerId1>, "name": "<layerName1>" },
  { "id": <layerId2>, "name": "<layerName2>" }
 "spatialReference": <spatialReference>,
 "initialExtent": <envelope>,
 "fullExtent": <envelope>,
 "units": "<units>"
"error" : {
"code" : <code>,
"message" : "<message>",
"details" : [

JSON Response Example

 "serviceDescription": "Test Mobile Service Description",
 "mapName": "Layers",
 "description": "",
 "layers": [
  { "id": 0, "name": "wind" },
  { "id": 1, "name": "ushigh" },
  { "id": 2, "name": "counties" }
 "spatialReference": {"wkid": 104000},
 "initialExtent": {
  "xmin": -183.78, "ymin": -18.81, "xmax": -61.40, "ymax": 109.14,
  "spatialReference": {"wkid": 104000}
 "fullExtent": {
  "xmin": -183.78,"ymin": 16.30,"xmax": -61.40, "ymax": 74.03,
  "spatialReference": {"wkid": 104000}
 "units": "esriDecimalDegrees"
{"url" : "http://atlantic:6080/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/_ags_mobile_588be132a8b94241b79047077731d02f.db"}
"error" : {
"code" : -2147024809,
"message" : "Unable to complete operation.",
"details" : [
    "Failed to parse required parameter (version)."